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PAPAartis and MIS²ACE in 'Spinal Cord Protection' focussed issue of Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Video on the rationale of the PAPAartis trial

The Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery recently published a special issue focussing on spinal cord protection. Two articles relating to the PAPAartis project were included in this issue.

Firstly, a keynote lecture delivered by Prof Martin Misfeld of Heart Centre, Leipzig on the rationale of the PAPAartis trial, describing the background and rationale of the trial with an update on the current status (September 2023). This is available both as text and video.

Secondly, a paper in the 'Art of the Operative Technique' series jointly from Heart Centre, Rostock; Heart Centre, Leipzig and Heart and Vascular Centre, Hamburg describing the techniques involved in the MIS²ACE procedure together with their advantages and caveats. This paper is available here.


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