Majority of PAPAartis recruitment sites now open!
PAPAartis is delighted to announce that 20 of our patient recruitment sites are now open and actively recruiting patients undergoing aneurysm repair procedures. In recent weeks centres in Paris, Örebro and Bordeaux have joined the team. In total, the PAPAartis project is recruiting patients from 27 sites throughout Europe, including sites in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
The PAPAartis team working very hard at the remaining sites to complete the necessary preparations to have all our sites open in the near future, with centres in Maastricht and Bologna due to begin recruitment next month. “We are delighted that the majority of our centres are now open” said Prof Dr Christian Etz, leader of the PAPAartis team. “We are very much looking forward to finalising the recruiting site preparations and moving on to the next phase of the project”.