PAPAartis clinical trial recruitment complete!

We are delighted to say that we have finished recruiting participants to the PAPAartis clinical trial.
Our trial is the largest publicly funded randomised controlled trial in aortic aneurysm repair. It tests a new pre-treatment strategy with the aim of decreasing the number of paraplegia cases which may arise due to aortic surgery. This is based on the concept of priming a paraspinal collateral network as a major blood supply of the spinal cord by minimally-invasive segmental artery coil embolization (MISACE), prior to the aneurysm repair. More details of the rationale for the trial and the MISACE concept can be found here.
Recruitment is now complete and all participants have received their aneurysm repair. We are now following the progress of all the participants for one year post-repair, which should be complete in the next few months.
Watch this space for further updates and the results of the trial!