Majority of PAPAartis recruitment sites now open!
PAPAartis is delighted to announce that 20 of our patient recruitment sites are now open and actively recruiting patients undergoing...

Publication on near real-time detection of spinal cord ischaemia
PAPAartis co-ordinator Prof Christian Etz and his collaborators have recently published the findings of a study investigating...

K1 Magazin Interview
To all our followers in Germany, catch the PAPA artis team interview this Thursday on the German news programme K1 Magazin, at 22:15...

85th Annual Meeting of the German Cardiac Society
The PAPAartis team will be exhibiting at the 85th Annual Meeting of the German Cardiac Society in Mannheim this week. You can find the...

PAPAartis Publication
The PAPAartis team have published an article in the BMJ Open journal titled "Paraplegia prevention in aortic aneurysm repair by...

European Award for Research Team
The European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS) presented the "Vascular Young Investigator Award" 2018 to the clinical...

PAPAartis Meetings
During this year's EACTS annual conference (European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery) in Milan (18.10.-20.10.2018), the third...
PAPAartis Newsletter
The first PAPAartis newsletter has been released. Check it out here.
European Society of Cardiology Congress
Members of our PAPAartis team will be attending the European Society of Cardiology Congress this year, held in Munich, Germany, from the...
The PAPAartis Project is on Twitter
The PAPAartis project now has a Twitter account! Follow us here for regular news and updates regarding the project! #@PAPAartis